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How to Create More Than One Account on Instagram

How to Create More Than One Account on Instagram - you have more than one account Instagram? Instagram middle test features multiple accounts on the platform Android, which allows you to keep changing accounts with ease, without having to sign out first.

To do this, you can try the beta by creating download the APK file version  or sign up for the Beta Program Instagram. This new feature itself based cloud, so you should make sure whether the version of Instagram installed features multiple accounts or do not?

The trick tap  `Setting` and scroll down, find the option` Add Account` that is located under the option `Clear Search History`. Change the account can be done with a tap on the username in the upper left corner, which is displayed as a drop-down menu. Similarly, as quoted from the Android Authority, Tuesday (01/12/2015).

`Add Account` of options, you can do the next step by choosing whether you want to sign in or create a new account. Once you have an Instagram account more than one, will appear the name of the account you created and the option to switch. A notice will also appear to assure you that the feature is working, and you can immediately choose to enter into other accounts. Good luck. .. (Isk / Cas)
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