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5 Simple Ways to Save Battery Android

5 Simple Ways to Save Battery Android - is no secret that the battery life is one of the problems frequently encountered Android device users. Moreover, some manufacturers are present with increasingly mumpumi technology that requires a great power as well.

For that reason, some manufacturers now equip smartphones besutannya with features to conserve battery power. Not only that, in the Google Play Store also has plural encountered applications that promises better battery performance.

However, it all does not guarantee that the battery performance will be more durable. Also needed are some ways to ensure the proper use better battery life. To that end, we provide the following 6 simple ways to save battery usage of smartphones Android, as quoted from page Android Pit, Monday (16/11/2015).

Android Smartphone Must Not Always So Smart

Some manufacturers smartphone Android is not uncommon embed certain features that make smartphones become more 'intelligent'. However, it's not much use these features. So, it's good to turn off some of these features, especially for features that are rarely used. There is time for a moment Retiring Admittedly Android users very often use the smartphones it to connect to the Internet. Starting from just wrestle in social media, reading the news or playing a game.

However, please note that it takes also a short break when connected to the internet. Especially when considered in conditions that do not allow, like in a place that does not have internet or incoming signal in range of Wi-Fi. Turn off the data connection or Wi-Fi in the condition of the course can save battery usage.

Set Schedule To 'Break'

Some smartphones available today already has a feature called 'Do Not Disturb' or 'Sleep'. Through this feature, will smartphone can be scheduled to turn off the data connection or Wi-Fi when it is not used.

For users who do not have this feature on the device, it can start by activating 'airplane mode' when it is at rest or when smartphone is not used. This practice not only saves battery, but users can also take a break from the routine use of  smartphones.

Always Update Existing Applications on Smartphones

Updates are present for applications in smartphones Android are usually not without reason. Updates are usually useful to improve the performance of smartphones, one of which in this case is the optimization of memory usage and battery.

By constantly updating existing applications on smartphones, can indirectly also optimize battery usage. However, to prevent the exhaustion of the quota of data, data updates can be done manually or using a Wi-Fi network.

Never Too Obsessed with Smartphone

Maybe this is a little strange habits. However, this fact is quite influential to conserve battery life.

By refraining to use a smartphone wisely and do not need to feel always check or using a smartphone,  indirectly the use of smartphones is more efficient and the battery can also be more efficient.
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